A computer memory on which data has been pre-recorded. Once data has been written on to a ROM chip. It cannot be removed and can only be read. ROM reads it contents when the computer is turned Off. This type of memory is non-volatile. The data and information is stored permanently in such memories during Manufacture. RAM chips are not only used in a computer but also used in other Electronic items as like washing Machine, microwave,..etc.

Advantage of ROM

  • Non-volatile
  • Easy to text
  • More reliable than RAMs
  • Cannot be accidentally charged
  • Cheaper than RAM
  • Static and don't require refreshing

There are three types of ROM.

  • PROM
  • PROM

    A PROM is a memory chip on which data can be written on to a PROM, PROM written there contents when the computer is turned off. To write data on to a memory chip we need a special device called PROM programmer / PROM burner. Standard PROM can be programmed once. This type of ROM that programmed after The memory is constructed. PROM chips have several different applications including Medical devices, cell phone, video game consoles and other electronics. They provide a Simple means of programming electronic devices.


    EPROM is a special type of memory that written the contents. It is exposed by Ultra Violet Light. The Ultra Violet Light clears its contents, making it possible to re-program the memory. The charge is retained for more than 10 years because the charge has no leakage path on it. The ultra-violet light is passed through a quartz crystal window. This is a non-volatile memory type.


    It is a special type of ROM that can be erased by exposing to electric charge. EEPROM don’t need to be removed from the computer to be modified. EEPROM was developed by George Perlegns.


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