First Generation of computer

The period of the first generation was from 1946-1955. In this generation used vacuum tubes as the basic components for memory and circuitry for central processing unit (CPU). ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Computer) was first electronic computer developed in 1946 by Mauchley and Eckert in USA. This computer used high speed vacuum tube to process data, in this generation used machine code as a programming language.
This machine was 30×18 feet long and weight 30 ton and cost $4 lakh dollar.

Characteristics of the first generation computer

  • Use of magnetic drums
  • Use of vacuum tubes to make circuits
  • Use of machine languages and symbols in instructions
  • Use of punch cards as input/output devices
  • Use of high electricity
  • Very small reliable output
  • Complex and expensive to maintain
  • Huge in size and poor mobility

Some computers of first generation

  • IBM-650
  • IBM-701
  • MARK 11


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