Programming Languages

The communication between two parties they are machine or human always needs a common language. The language use to communicate between computer and human is known as programming language.

There are three types of programming language.

  1. Machine Language
  2. Assembly Language
  3. High-level Language

Machine Language

In which instruction are written in binary code using 1 and 0 is only one language. The computer can execute directly. The binary code is known as the machine language. A machine can understand this language. It is not translator of this languages, no need to translate this languages.
  • It is hard to use.
  • It is defined by hardware design.
  • It is also called the first generation of language.

Assembly Language

In which instruction are written using various symbols and structures. There are some symbolic names like addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (×), division (÷), It is called the assembly language. A machine can understand this language when it has been converted to machine code, the translator of assembly languages are called "assembler".
  • It is consist of short English-like abbreviations.
  • It is easy to use than machine language.
  • It is also called the second generation language.

High-level Language

High level language is a programming language that uses genetical, mathematical, notation, etc. It is use to different models of computer in this language make easier to execute the programs be written, these are much easier than assembly languages. A machine can also understand this languages, when it has been converted into the machine code.
  • It is use to various signs such as addition (+) and subtraction (-) and structure.
  • It become more popular to write programs.
  • It is also called the third generation languages.


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