Language Translator

The language translator is a program that converts programming languages into another programming language. Language translator is also called language processor. A program written in any high-level programming languages is known as the source code, to convert the source code into machine code is known as object code.

There are three types of language translator.

  1. Assembler
  2. Compiler
  3. Interpreter


An assembler is a program written in machine level language whose function to translate the assembly language code into machine language code.
It is a low level programming language where we place of machine codes.


  • Assembler is very fast translating assembly language to machine code as one by one relationship.
  • Efficiency in execution just like machine level language.


  • Assembly language is difficult to understand.
  • It is a low-level programming language.
  • It is a difficult to maintain.


An interpreter is a program written in machine language whose function is to translate the high level languages into machine languages. It converts each statement of the program line by line into machine code. It requires a less storage space in primary memory than a compiler.


  • An interpreters over compilers are that an errors is found immediately.
  • An interpreter is that it makes easy to trace out and correct errors in the source program.


  • Programs execution is slow.
  • An interpreter is a time consuming process of executing and translating statements one by one.


The compiler is same as interpreter, but unlike interpreters which translate the source program line by line. It is a translator, which convert the high-level language program into machine language programs. It is a larger program and occupies memory space. A compiler is costlier than interpreter.


  • It translate the entire program into machine code.
  • Producers and executable file, can be run without needs of the source code.


  • Compiler is slow to execute as you have to finish the whole program.
  • It is not easy to deluge as error are shown at the end of execution.


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