Output Devices

The processing data in the computer in the form of electrical signals. It has to be converted information in to human understandable symbols is done by output devices. It can be audio, video, tactile and graphics.

Some output devices are given below :

(i) Monitor 
(ii) Printer
(iii) Headphones 
(iv) speaker 
(v) Projector
(vi) Sound card
(vii) Video Card ..

Speaker is an output hardware device which can be use to listen a sound. The signal used to deliver the sound that originates from a PC speaker is made by the PC's sound card. The first inside PC speaker was invented by IBM in 1981 and created basic, low quality sound.

Headphone is a output hardware device that can be plugged into a laptop, smartphone, computer and other devices to privately listen to audio or watch a movie without disturbing people around you.


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