Operating System

An operating system is a lot of computer program that manage the hardware and software resources of a computer. It rationally process electronic devices in response to approved commands. The operating system performs basic tasks such as controlling input and output devices, controlling and allocating memory, facilitating networking, prioritizing system and managing file system.

The most operating system have a order line interpreter as a general user interface, but it can also provide a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for ease of activity.

An operating system forms a platform for other application software and system software. Some examples of operating system are Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, DOS (Disk Operating System), Linux, UNIX, etc.

It is a powerful and computer-like devices require operating systems including your desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablet, router and smartwatch.

History of Operating System

An operating systems were developed in the last part of 1950 to manage tope storage.

The General Motors Research Lab implemented the first operating system in the early 1950 for their IBM 701. During the 1960, an operating system started to use desks. In the last 1960, the first version of the Unix Operating System was developed.
The first Operating System build by Microsoft was DOS in 1981 by buying the 86-DOS software from a Seattle Company. In the present-day popular operating system Windows first come to presence in 1985, when a GUI (Graphical User Interface) was created and paired with MS-DOS.

Feature of operating system are following:

  • Allow disk access and file system device drivers
  • Protected and Supervisor mode
  • Program Execution
  • Handing I/O operations
  • Memory multitasking
  • Networking Security
  • Memory management virtual
  • Manipulation of the file system
  • Resource allocation
  • Information and Resources
  • Error Detection and handling
  • Protection


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