Types of Operating System

  • Batch operating system
  • Multi-tasking/ Time sharing OS
  • Multiprocessor operating system
  • Distributed operating system
  • Real Time operating system
  • Mobile operating system
  • Network operating system

Batch Operating System

Some computer processes are time-consuming and very lengthy. To speed a similar process, a job with a similar short of requirement are batch together and run as a group.

The users of a batch operating system never directly associates with the computer. In this type of operating system, each user prepares his/ her job on an offline devices like a punch card and submits it to the computer administrator.

Multi-tasking/ Time Sharing Operating System

The multitasking operating system allows people located at a different terminal (shell) to use a single computer system at the same time. The processor time which is shorted among multiple users is named as time sharing.

Multiprocessing Operating System

When two or more CPU (Central Processing Unit) operate within a single computer, it is referred as a multiprocessor operating system. In such computers, these multiple central processing units's have a communication and close connection to share programs and data. It is also share operating system resources like memory, printers, buses, and peripheral devices.
It is also used when users need high processing speed to process a high volume of data. In the most of the cases, opening systems are used to carry out operations or scientific calculations such as deep data analysis, weather forecasting and detellite processing.

Distributed Operating System

Distributed operating systems use many processor located in different machines to provide very quick calculations to its users.

Real Time Operating System

A real time operating system time stretch to respond and process to inputs is very small. For examples - Space software systems, Military software system, etc.

Network Operating System

Network operating system runs on the server. Network operating system provides the capacity to server to manage security, data, application, users, groups and other networking functions.

Mobile Operating System

Mobile operating system are those operating system which is especially that are design to power tablets, smartphones and wearables devices.
The most popular mobile operating system are Android and iOS, Web, but others include BlackBerry and watchOS.


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