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The period of the third generation was from 1965-1971. In this generation was used of IC (Integrated Circuits). IC reduced the price, size , use of electricity, etc. Third generation computers were used Keyboard, Mouse, and also used the operation system to improved a new level and high speed. Characteristics of the third generation computer Use of IC (Integrated Circuits) instead of transistors Use of magnetic storage device Use of mini-computers Use of monitor, keyboard, and line printers Use high-level programming languages Less expensive maintenance cost Less expensive than second generation Improved faster operations and more dependable Small size than second generation computer Some computers of third generation IBM 360 series IBM 370 IBM 168 TDC 316 Honeywell 6000 series PDP (Personal Data Processor)
Floppy Disk Floppy disk is slower to access than hard disk. Floppy disk has low storage capacity, if the size of file increases than decreases the capacity of floppy disk. Hard Disk A Hard Disk is a storage medium. This drive is made up of a series of circular disk called platters arranged. A Hard Disk drive are made of non-magnetic material. A Hard Disk composed of numerous discs of metered sensitive to magnetic field. It has magnetic technology. Optical Disk An Optical Disk is input and output device. These devices use lesser technology to record data and information. It has a large storage capacity of the Gigabyte (GB). Magnetic Tape Magnetic Tape is a storage medium of secondary memory. They fit up to more than 4GB (Gigabyte). Pen Drive A Pen Drive is a portable memory devices. It is used to solid state memory rather t...
The language translator is a program that converts programming languages into another programming language. Language translator is also called language processor. A program written in any high-level programming languages is known as the source code, to convert the source code into machine code is known as object code. There are three types of language translator. Assembler Compiler Interpreter Assembler An assembler is a program written in machine level language whose function to translate the assembly language code into machine language code. It is a low level programming language where we place of machine codes. Advantage Assembler is very fast translating assembly language to machine code as one by one relationship. Efficiency in execution just like machine level language. Disadvantage Assembly language is difficul...
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