
Showing posts from August, 2020

Different Types of Computer

Based on size of the computer On the basis of hardware structure the first computer different types of computers are offering different services, processing power and storage capacity. There are four basic types of computers are as follows: Micro Computer Mini Computer Mainframe Computer Super Computer Micro Computer A micro computer is a computer whose all components are on a single integrated circuit CPU. Micro computer is single user single tasking operating system, widely used & the fastest growing computers. It is specially designed for general usage like education training, entertainment, and work purposes. An Apple, Dell, HP, Samsung, Sony, Asus, and Toshiba are the well known manufacturers of Micro-computer. There are mainly used in office, home, school, store, etc. Mini Computer...

Types of Computer

Based on types of computer There are three basic kinds of computer. It is based on the hardware structure and the way of physical quantities. Digital Computer Analog Computer Hybrid Computer Digital Computer The digital computer is a digital system that performs different computational tasks. The world digital implies that the data in the computer is represented by variable that take a limited number of discrete values. This values are processed internally by components which will maintain a limited number of discrete states. Digital computer that accepts and process data has been converted into the binary numbers system, which has two digits: 0 and 1. A binary digit is called a bit. Analog Computer Analog computer used to process data the name is analog data. Analog data is ...

Computer Virus and Antivirus

Computer Virus It is a type of the computer programs that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting it own code. When this replication succeeds, the affected areas are than said to be infected with the computer virus. It is a malicious programs that self-replicates by coping itself to a different programs. In other words, the computer virus spreads by itself into other documents or executable code. The aim of creating a computer virus is to infect gain admin, vulnerable systems and steal user sensitive data. The hackers design computer virus with take advantage of online users and malicious intent by tricking them. The term computer virus was first formally defined by Fred Cohen in 1983. This virus never occur naturally. These are always induced by people. Once created, however, their diffusion is not directly...

Best Operating System

The operating systems usually come pre-loaded on any computer you purchase. Most of the people use the OS that come with their computer, but it is possible to upgrade or may be change the operating system. There are the three most common operating system for personal computer. Microsoft Windows macOS Linux The modern operating systems use GUI. The graphics user interface (GUI) allows you to use your mouse to click icons, menus, buttons, and everything is clearly displayed on the screen using a combination of texts and graphics. Each operating system's GUI has a different design and feel, and the modern operating systems are designed to be easy to use, and most of the essential principles are the same. Microsoft Windows The company of Microsoft created the Windows Operating System in the...

What is a Kernel ?

The Kernel is the center component of a computer OS. The main activities (job) performed by the kernel is to manage the hardware and the communication between the software. A kernel is at the core os a computer. It makes the communication between the software and hardware possible, which the kernel is the inner most part of an operating system, a shell's outer most one. Feature of Kernel Process synchronization Inter-process communication Context switching Low-level scheduling of processes In the Operating System performs every of the function : File Management The file management manages all the file related to activities like organization storage, naming, retrieval, sharing and protection of files. Memory Management This module performs the allocation and de-allocation of memory space to...

Types of Operating System

Batch operating system Multi-tasking/ Time sharing OS Multiprocessor operating system Distributed operating system Real Time operating system Mobile operating system Network operating system Batch Operating System Some computer processes are time-consuming and very lengthy. To speed a similar process, a job with a similar short of requirement are batch together and run as a group. The users of a batch operating system never directly associates with the computer. In this type of operating system, each user prepares his/ her job on an offline devices like a punch card and submits it to the computer administrator. Multi-tasking/ Time Sharing Operating System The multitasking operating system allows people located at a different terminal (shell) to use a single computer system at the same time. The ...

Operating System

An operating system is a lot of computer program that manage the hardware and software resources of a computer. It rationally process electronic devices in response to approved commands. The operating system performs basic tasks such as controlling input and output devices, controlling and allocating memory, facilitating networking, prioritizing system and managing file system. The most operating system have a order line interpreter as a general user interface, but it can also provide a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for ease of activity. An operating system forms a platform for other application software and system software. Some examples of operating system are Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, DOS (Disk Operating System), Linux, UNIX, etc. It is a powerful and computer-like devices require operating systems including your desktop, laptop...

Application Software

Application software is procedures intended and basically programs to perform specific task on a system. From the most reduced level lowest level assembly language to the high level languages, there are different types of application software. It includes programs that do accomplish genuine work for users. Examples of application package word processer , spreadsheet, presentation, database management system, writing and editing software falls under this category. There are various different types of application software, such as freeware, sold, shareware, licensed and open source. There are different types of application software are following : Application Software Type Examples Word processing Software MS Word, Notepad, WordPad Spreadsheet Software ...

System Software

The system software is a collections of programs designed to work, control and extend the preparing capacities of the computer itself. It includes operating system that enable the computer to function. System software of the most important programs that run on to a computer. Every generation computer must have a system software. It performs basic task such as input to the display screen, store files and folders on the disk. This services as the interface between the hardware and end users. These are some examples of system software such as Operating System, Interpreter, Assemblers, Compilers, etc. There are a list of the most prominent feature of a system software. Small in size Less interactive Fast in speed Close to the system Difficult to manipulate Difficult to understand Difficult to design Generally written in low-level langua...


Computer software represents the physical set of programs that govern the operation of a computer system and make the physical components of the system (hardware). This includes applications software as like a word processer, which allows a user to perform a task and operating system, which allows other software to run property, by interfacing with hardware and other software. It was first used in this sense by John W.Tukey in 1957. Computer software is all computer programs, it has to be loaded into the storage of computer such as RAM, Memory or Hard drive. The idea of reading different sequences of instructions into memories of a device to memories of device to control computations was developed by Charles Babbage as a feature of his different engine. The theory that is the reason of most current software was first proposed by Alan Turing in his 19...